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Herbalism 101

We care deeply about reconnecting people with nature. After all, humans have healed themselves with herbs since forever. We will always take our cues from the Earth and our lessons from those who came before us. Dose our organic herbal blends for immunity, energy, mood, and more, and reconnect with the greatest remedy of them all. Read more about our ingredients below.
Traditional Herbs & Plants
Wondering which herbs to start with? We got you covered. Medicinal herbs that show up over and over in our formulas are explained further in this list below.

Echinacea supports your innate immunity, gently activating and increasing the body’s immune response. Native to North America and a member of the sunflower family, it grows in prairies, gardens, and wooded areas.

Dandelion is rich in vitamins A, B complex, and C, as well as minerals like iron, potassium, and zinc. All parts of the plant are medicinal, but dandelion root fortifies and supports the digestive system, especially the liver.

Reishi is a powerful adaptogen that strengthens immunity, eases the nervous system, and helps the body truly rest. A beloved herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this mushroom has been doing its thing for thousands of years.

Commonly found in temperate woodlands, skullcap is a precious thread to weave into your days, toning and supporting the nervous system over time. A calming nervine, skullcap can help release pent-up emotions, soothe muscle tightness and spasms, and bring you peace.

Yarrow is a bitter aromatic that is traditionally used topically as well as internally in herbal applications. It is a gentle wound healer and heat-releaser, assisting in circulatory function to help the body cool down when overheated. It’s commonly found in meadows and gardens.

Part of the mint family, Motherwort is a nervine that can aid with stress as well as reproductive and cardiovascular health. It's long been used in traditional herbalism for its heart-supporting properties, and is a cooling, drying herb.

Rose is a cooling herb, ideal for treating hot conditions or those who have a tendency to be hard on themselves. In a world where we're often taught to tamp down emotions like anger, bitterness, and grief, rose is a nudge toward forgiveness and release.

Oat tops are exactly what they sound like: the young, milky tops of the oat plant. Just as oats are good for the belly, oat tops are fantastic food for the nervous system, especially for people who burn the candle at both ends.

Ginger rhizome helps to move blood all over your body. It supports circulation, helping to warm the body and release stuck or stagnant sensations.

Holy Basil is a mild adaptogen for fatigue that helps clear mental fog and improve memory. It increases cerebral circulation to improve cognitive function. As a gentle stimulant it improves immune activity, and also helps to support digestion

An essential herb in many herbalist’s apothecaries, goldenrod is an energetically drying herb that blooms in the late summer. Its Latin name “Solidago” translates to “heal or make whole.”
Key Herbal Terms
As herbalists, we rely on many words to help us simplify our communication with each other and the people with whom we share plants - like you! And we want you to have the power of communication too, so we’ve compiled a small glossary that helps to demystify some of the more herbal-minded language on our site.

From the Herb-o-pedia

Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide
The #1 rec for herbalists who are just starting out: it's expert advice for a complete beginner.
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Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz’s Earth Medicines
Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera
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Michele Lee’s Working the Roots
A must-have for anyone un-learning and re-learning herbalism in the U.S. This book recounts Black-led and centered healing systems and their huge contributions to Western Herbalism.
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Rosita Arvigo’s The Urban Herbalist
Using plants commonly found in the urban Midwest U.S., Arvigo shares her incredible knowledge of ethnobotany in terms every beginner can understand.
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Christine Buckley’s Plant Magic: Herbalism in Real Life
Learn to work confidently with the plants stored in your pantry or growing wild and weedy just outside your door. This book is as helpful as it is lovely.
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Where to Begin

The Herbal Starter Kit
Everything you need to kickstart your herbal journey.
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5 Things For Beginners To Know About Herbalism
Our founder and herbalist Lauren shares tips and essential terms in our Journal.
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