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5 Things For Beginners To Know About Herbalism

All your burning questions about herbalism, answered by an herbalist.

5 Things For Beginners To Know About Herbalism

What is Herbalism?

Herbalism is a simple, enduring practice all about building a deeper connection between people and herbs. It starts between a person and a medicinal herb and builds like a web uniting like-minded people who are committed to healing themselves and the earth. Herbalism is how any person, in any part of the world might look to whole medicinal herbs to uphold their health and the health of others.

How does Herbalism work?

Every herbal healing system (Traditional Chinese MedicineAyurveda, Western Herbalism, etc) relies on a system of Energetics that helps to match whole medicinal herbs to a person. All Energetics really means is that sensations and patterns in an herb can help us to understand which ones will make the most impact on which people. That’s right, certain herbs are better suited to certain people.

Our senses help us detect patterns in ourselves, each other and in the herbs. Recurring qualities in an herb help to tell us what impact it might have on the human body and mind, especially if someone is experiencing an imbalance. A system of Energetics helps herbalists decide which herbs will best support a specific person. Those herbs become a formula designed to help support someone as they work to re-establish balance in their body and mind.

What is an Herbalist?

There is no rulebook that says who is and who isn’t an herbalist. Broadly speaking an herbalist is anyone who looks to and works with plants to uphold their health. So if you are eating, drinking, growing, identifying, smelling, gathering or making medicine from herbs to help uphold your health and the health of others you’re already an herbalist.

Lots of people work professionally as herbalists. There are clinical herbalists who help people address and resolve chronic health issues, often in cooperation with their medical doctors and other practitioners. Community herbalists help people build lasting, healing relationships with herbs by familiarizing them with common plants found in their kitchens, gardens, and public spaces. Medicine makers formulate tinctures, elixirs, salves, powders, pills and more so that people anywhere can access the medicinal herbs they need to support balance in their bodies and minds.

What does Herbalism mean?

Herbalism means that no matter who you are and where you are in the world you have access to a dynamic system of healing because of the fresh and dried herbs around you. Herbalism is a gateway to the past, present, and on-going innate healing relationship between people and medicinal herbs.

Can I use Herbalism everyday?

Yes! Yes, please use herbalism everyday! In fact, that is the best way to use herbalism. You probably already do use herbalism everyday. Maybe you have tea, coffee, or some kind of caffeine-free herbal coffee to start your day - this is herbalism! Because herbalism relies on whole medicinal herbs and not isolated parts of plants, chances are the plants we use to make tea, or a tincture, or a salve, are way less concentrated than medicines we get from the pharmacist or off the shelf at the drugstore. Our herbal formulas are designed to work by steadily supporting and promoting health in our bodies and minds.

Further reading

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