Figuring out why and when to work with medicinal herbs can be a little tricky. We use three easy categories to help make sense of how to use our formulas. You can take herbs for a reason, a season, and a lifetime.

Dealing with something that “came out of nowhere?” Formulas in this category help you deal with physical or emotional discomfort in the moment it’s happening. Herbs in these formulas are designed to soothe and calm physical and emotional expressions of distress fast. Let herbs help you get back to feeling like yourself.
Formulas to help you feel better now. Keep these handy in your favorite tote, travel bag, at your desk. They go wherever you go. You can take them in moments of discomfort and over time to help your body and mind re-establish balance.
Is life about to get hectic? These are our maintenance formulas. They're the ones you turn to for strength and support. When stressors are on the horizon, reach for these herbs. They work best when you can anticipate a change coming on, so tap into your intuition and dip into these formulas.

Formulas that will make your future self say “Thank you for taking care of me.” Keep these stocked at home and work. Integrate them into your daily routine as you prepare for seasonal transitions, periods of stress, and big life events.
Herbs for everyday? These formulas are filled with herbs to take anytime, all the time. These are the herbs your digestive, immune, respiratory, and nervous systems need everyday to level up. In the same way that eating whole foods everyday gives your body and mind the vitamins and minerals they need to perform basic functions.
Formulas to take all the time or anytime. Keep these stocked in your pantry. These are functional foods that help your body do its work: digest, rest, and re-balance.